Before the Storm- Near Sanliurfa, Turkey
Kosher Butcher Numbering Cows- Antakya, Turkey
Lighting Candles- Iskenderun, Turkey
Tin Man- Larissa, Greece
Nikos- Hania, Greece
Journalist-  Athens, Greece
Jeweler and His Wife- Larissa, Greece
Owner of Textile Store- Larissa, Greece
Residents at the Maison de Retraite- Istanbul, Turkey
Alexandra Koen, Survivor /A8338- Koropi, Athens, Greece
Flora Chaim, Survivor- Koropi, Athens, Greece
Sardis Synagogue- Sardis, Turkey
Before the Storm- Near Sanliurfa, Turkey
Kosher Butcher Numbering Cows- Antakya, Turkey
Lighting Candles- Iskenderun, Turkey
Tin Man- Larissa, Greece
Nikos- Hania, Greece
Journalist- Athens, Greece
Jeweler and His Wife- Larissa, Greece
Owner of Textile Store- Larissa, Greece
Residents at the Maison de Retraite- Istanbul, Turkey
Alexandra Koen, Survivor /A8338- Koropi, Athens, Greece
Flora Chaim, Survivor- Koropi, Athens, Greece
Sardis Synagogue- Sardis, Turkey
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